Membership Announcements

Volume 10, Issue 5: August 24, 2012
NAYGN Announcements:


1.       +One – Now’s the time to apply for ANS and NEI technical committees. Expand your development by joining a community of practice. Learn more on the NAYGN website.


2.      NEI can now be found on Pinterest at .   This is a public outreach effort to reach a new audience with the nuclear message and to make sure there are positive nuclear images to counter all the negative ones.  Please follow NEI!


3.       Coming Soon- IYNC2012 presentations and pictures will soon be posted to the NAYGN website.


4.      ANS-YMG and NAYGN are searching for a new United States National Representative to the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC).  The United States Representative to IYNC will serve until the next IYNC meeting in 2014.  The US Rep has the responsibility of providing regular reports on national activities, being an ambassador to the US for IYNC and participating in electronic votes and discussions.  The US rep is expected to be available to attend the 2014 Board Meeting, which will be held at IYNC2014 in Burgos, Spain.  There are no requirements for this position other than a willingness to be involved in IYNC2014, though preference will be given to those who have experience with previous IYNC activities and have financial support to attend IYNC2014 in person. NAYGN/ANS-YMG will not be providing financial support to attend the meeting, so company backing to attend will be an important factor for any applicant.  Interested persons should send an NAYGN/ANS-YMG oriented resume to and by Friday, September 14, 2012.


5.       NAYGN is currently looking for a few good men and women- we are looking a new

·         West regional lead

·         Professional Development committee members

·         Assistant Webmaster

·         Public Information committee –general committee members and regional points of contact for communications

·         Chapter Health committee members

·         Social Media committee members



Jana Thames

NAYGN Communications Chair  or

912-366-2204  1-800-722-7774