Membership Announcements

Volume 10, Issue 11: January 10, 2013
NAYGN Announcements:


1.       Nominations now being accepted for the NAYGN Core Elections. Email Duncan Robinson,  if you are interested in running for a position. This year, Vice-President, Public Information Chair, United States Affairs Chair, and Communications Chair are open for election. Click here  to read the roles and responsibilities of these positions.  All interested candidates must supply their nomination materials to Duncan Robinson by January 31st, 2013 to be considered.


2.      Are you interested in being one of the voices of the Youth Generation in Nuclear. Nuclear Energy Outreach Network (NEON) is looking for members to help build up this network, which is designed to give nuclear professionals opportunities to participate in public events and share information about nuclear technology and answer questions. The goal is to establish YGN’s presence at events such as public hearings, public forums about energy, educational events, nuclear power plant tours, and be a source of information during nuclear events. If interested or have any questions, please contact


3.       Save the Date!  The next NAYGN webinar will be held on February 7 from 3 pm to 4 pm EST.  Representatives from Westinghouse will present information on Small Modular Reactors.   Please visit to register for this webinar.


4.      Meet the Candidates!  Please join us on February 14 from 3 pm to 4 pm EST to meet the candidates for the upcoming Core Positions.  Please visit to register for this webinar.


5.       North American Young Generation in Nuclear is now soliciting student applications to attend the 2013 Professional Development Workshop, to be held May 12-14 in Washington D.C.


Whose Eligible: Any student currently enrolled in a nuclear related curriculum.


Scholarship Includes:   Airfare

4-nights in the Grand Hyatt Hotel

Workshop Registration


Interested students should submit the following to Elizabeth McAndrew-Benavides no later than 5pm EDT on March 8, 2013.

A.       A current copy of your resume.

B.        Cover Letter that includes your:

1.            Current and Permanent Address

2.            Telephone Number

3.            Email Address

4.            Name of the Community College or University you attend

5.            Focus of Study (the degree or major you are working to complete)

6.            Nuclear Reference (Name and contact information for a professor or industry employee who suggested the student applies for the scholarship)

7.            3-5 paragraphs on why you should be selected to attend the workshop.


Application Contact:   Elizabeth McAndrew-Benavides



Jana Thames

NAYGN Communications Chair  or

912-366-2204  1-800-722-7774