NA-YGN Membership Announcements

Volume 9, Issue 4: June 23, 2011
NA-YGN Announcements:



1.       The NA-YGN Professional Development Committee is looking for a conference chair for IYNC2012. This position will brainstorm sessions, have speaker input, and identify session facilitators. This excellent opportunity to build your network and develop your leadership ability by managing a team of people. If you are interested, please contact


2.      The Midwest 2011 regional conference on Operating Experience  will be  hosted by Sargent & Lundy L.L.C. in downtown Chicago, on Friday August 12th, 2011, with an evening reception is offered for all attendees on Friday night at the Sargent and Lundy Auditorium located at 55 E. Monroe St. in downtown Chicago. 2011 Midwest Regional NA-YGN Conference Flyer is available. For more information contact


3.      The International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC)  is co-hosting the 2012 NA-YGN Professional Development Conference, the IYNC 2012. This will be the first time since 2004 that the IYNC will be hosted in North America.  NA-YGN is proud to co-host this exceptional conference in Charlotte, North Carolina from August 5-11, 2012. The IYNC 2012 conference will supplement NA-YGN’s annual professional development conference with new technical tracks, workshops, and tours.  Young professionals and students from around the world will have the opportunity to present their research papers to an audience of their peers. The first conference announcement is attached. If you would like to learn more about IYNC, please go to


4.      Should Obama Revive Yucca Mountain? – Read Duncan Robinson’s, President of NA-YGN, response to this question by clicking here.


5.      Atlantic Regional Meeting Registration is Now Open: The Atlantic Regional Conference will take place August 20th in Lynchburg, VA. Registration closes on August 5th. Please visit the event website for additional information and to register:    The event will include an opportunity to participate in the Global Fuel Cycle Activity and a variety of outdoor activities for the afternoon - including Tubing down the James River. Please forward any questions about the event to your planning committee representative or Bobby Ashworth,


6.      The EPA released a draft rule to the Clean Water Act Section 316(b). This current draft could have serious impact on the energy community, including nuclear. The rule may force power plants and manufacturing facilities to install unnecessary or ineffective environmental technologies would increase energy costs. You have the option to take action and provide comments to the EPA and impact the 316(b) final rule. The comment period closes on July 19, 2011.. The EPA is currently accepting comments,  click the ‘Take Action’ link to support a letter that includes a few ways we think this regulation can be amended to ensure consumers aren’t left with the bill.      TAKE ACTION

7.      The NA-YGN 2011 Professional Development Conference Power Point presentations, pictures and notes are now available on the NA-YGN Website, attached as links to the agenda.


8.      The Rules & Bylaws committee  is looking for members and leaders.




Jana Thames

NA-YGN Communications Chair  or
