Volume 7, Issue 11:  October 23 , 2009

NA-YGN Announcements:



1.     LAST CALL for Poster Contest Submissions! Roddy the Fuel Pellet is back for the 11th annual Poster Contest to educate 4th and 5th grade students about the wonders of nuclear science and technology!  Please mail the top 20-30 drawings by October 30, 2009. Any questions email mailto:pi@na-ygn.org.


2.     If you have completed your Poster Contest Visits… Let's Take Credit for Community Outreach Achievements! If your chapter participated in the NA-YGN Annual Drawing Contest this year, please send Rachelle Benson, the Public Information Chair, your success stories. Include in your email 1) the name of the school(s) you spoke to, 2) how many classrooms you visited, 3) how many students you reached and 4) how many total posters were submitted to you. Also, if you have pictures of your presentation, please the photo and a caption (be sure to include the NA-YGN members names) to Rachelle too.


3.     The next Webinar will be on October 30 from 1-2pm, NA-YGN members will have a unique opportunity to participate in a live teleconference with Jacques Besnainou, President and Chief Executive Officer of AREVA NC Inc.  This teleconference will educate participants on the state of nuclear waste and managing that waste in the United States.  Attendance is limited, registration is required.  Please try to register as chapters where possible.  To register fill out the survey at http://www.quia.com/sv/354489.html.  To find out if your chapter has registered contact pd@na-ygn.org.


4.     Are you interested in talking to students about nuclear? The Career Awareness Committee is off to a strong start. Last week, NA-YGN members educated SWE conference attendees on the exciting careers available in the nuclear industry. They are set to do the same at the HPSE conference next week in Washington D.C. What they need are volunteers for the 4 events in 2010 and more corporate sponsors to help defer travel cost for NA-YGN attendees.  If you are interested in participating, contact Adam Borcz.


5.     Go Nuke! Fall edition is ready and it is packed with varied information about what you can do with a career in Nuclear. If you are attending career fairs consider printing out (double sided, of course) a few to hand out. Go Nuke! Winter addition will be published in January focusing on Public Outreach. If you are interested in writing an article, please email swanson@na-ygn.org.


6.     If you are attending the YPC and you have to write a trip report anyway, why not volunteer to be a knowledge capture session writers (KCSW).  Contact Blake Poland if you are interested in helping. They need Photojournalists, as well.  


7.     The NA-YGN Survey Committee is looking for volunteers.  If you are interested in designing, analyzing and reporting a survey on the “Voice of the Young Generation”  please contact Mike Tronosky.






Misha Swanson

Communications Chair

North American Young Generation in Nuclear

e: swanson@na-ygn.org


p: 410-470-3449





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